About Carp
2021-01-19 14:51
Welcome to our section on carp fishing tips. We put this section together to give anglers a place to learn basic information on carp and how to catch carp. The information provided in this section will benefit all fishermen who are looking to catch carp. This section starts off by educating you on basic information about carp, which is followed by some of the best tips for carp fishing available to us. Along with that you will also be able to learn about the all-time carp fishing records, basic facts about carp and more resources to further your research on carp and carp fishing.
About Carp
Carp is a term used for several types of fish that are in the Cyprindae family. Carp are large, freshwater fish that are native to Asia and Europe but have been imported to many other countries with mixed results. Some of these countries consider them an invasive species. Some of the more prominent carp are silver carp, common carp, grass carp, bighead carp, crucian carp, catla carp, mrigal carp, black carp and mud carp. The diet of carp can vary by species and habitat but is generally the same. This includes aquatic plants, aquatic insects, crustaceans and other types of small aquatic life. While one female carp can lay over 1,000,000 eggs in a 12 month period their populations remain the same, this is due to how vulnerable their eggs and fry are to bacteria, fungi and predators.
Carp are known as still water fish but have successfully developed breeding populations in canal systems and rivers. Depending on food availability they can grow up to 2 pounds a year, and in some cases, as much as 6 pounds. Carp have become an invasive species in many countries. For example, in Chicago Illinois electric currents are passed through certain water ways to prevent Asian carp from reaching the great lakes. The damage done by invasive carp can be devastating to any body of water, both large and small. They can promote rapid algae growth due to the fact that they don’t entirely digest their food, which rots when excreted. Little known fact, goldfish and koi, common household pets, are a species of carp.
Carp Fishing Tips, Tricks and Techniques
You most likely came to this section of our website to find tips and tactics for catching carp. Below is a list of carp fishing tips that our team put together by searching the internet. Our team not only researched many of these tips, but also tested them in real life. If you have carp fishing secrets that you are willing to share and would like to see listed below then please use our submit a fishing tip form to send it us, we’ll review it for inclusion within 24 to 48 hours.
Be Very Patient – Carp are infamous for gently striking bait a few times before they actually strike it. Give your carp a chance to take the bait before you try to set the hook and it’s a good idea to always have a hook remover on hand to make it easy to remove a hook from a carp who swallowed it.
Use the Right Hook Color – You’ll have the best results using a black matte hookwhen fishing for carp. If you’re using corn as bait then a yellow or gold hook will work fine, but in murky water make sure to avoid using shinny hooks, the carp will see it and shy away from your bait.
Corn Really Works – Corn is one of the best baits to use when trying to catch carp. The color, texture and flavor are highly favorable to most common species of carp. Sweet corn out of a can performs much better than corn off a cob, most likely due to the flavors and sodium added to canned corn.
Use Artificial Bait – Carp are not an easy fish to catch, but using the right artificial bait will make the job a lot easier. Artificial worms and grubs usually work the best. We recommend using Berkley’s mini-earthworms.
Duck, Duck, Carp! – If you have ducks or geese population in the body of water you’re carp fishing in you might want to try and fish near them. Carp have been known to follow ducks, especially in areas where the ducks are fed by humans. Carp love a free bread meal and they don’t care how they get it. Just remember not to hit or hurt any ducks when you cast out your line.
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